The Mapes family

The Mapes Family

Honoring the family that made the Mapes House an historic landmark

As mentioned in our mission statement, the Seward and Mapes Homestead presents a rare opportunity in historic preservation to focus on the lives and accomplishments of two men deeply engaged in the American Civil War on different levels – one as Secretary of State in the Lincoln Administration and the other as a Union soldier in the illustrious 124th New York State volunteer regiment that fought in many horrific battles from Manassas Gap to Appomattox. (See profile of Captain Mapes)

In 2018, Civil War historian and author Charles J. LaRocca brought to our attention the military service of Captain William E. Mapes which we are proud to celebrate. A member of the illustrious 124th New York State Volunteers, the history of Mapes’ regiment is covered in Mr. LaRocca’s The 124th New York State Volunteers. A History and Roster.  Captain Mapes was the  brother of Mortimer Mapes, the village of Florida resident who oversaw the construction of the elegant Queen Anne style Victorian home that we are in the process of restoring. It has been a work of love with still a lot of work to be done.

Progress on the Mapes House since 2011

William Mapes marker dedication

Please stay in touch!

We welcome all Mapes ancestors and descendants to keep abreast of our activities and connect with each other. Thanks to Joseph Boyle, Steven Mapes and Marv Kissinger, we have these resources to share:

Come Join Us!

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In 1897, Mortimer Mapes deconstructed William Henry Seward’s birthplace and repurposed it as a barn at the back of his property. On that site, he had the stately Queen Anne style Victorian house built and christened it “Buttonwood” in recognition of the magnificent tree that sheltered his family’s home. Below is a map of the property today, presented as a Before and After glimpse of the two acre lot in the Village of Florida, New York.

The Seward/Mapes Homestead

35 North Main Street • Florida, New York • 10921
Contact: Seward/Mapes Homestead c/o The Village Hall of Florida • 33 South Main Street • Florida, New York • 10921 • 845-651-7626
Dr. Richard Hull and Gary Randall

Gary and Kathy Randall honored for years of service

On July 21st, Historian Dr. Richard Hull presented plaques of appreciation to Gary Randall and his wife Kathy Randall for their years of exemplary service as members of the Florida Historical Society. The Seward/Mapes Homestead Restoration Committee is pleased to share this news because the Randalls have been active members of our group as well.

The board of trustees of the Florida Historical Society decided in March to bestow the designation of President Emeritus upon Gary. Dr. Richard Hull officiated at the presentation during the Society’s July 21st meeting and celebration.

Louise A. Simpson
Trustee, Florida Historical Society